About Us | Sobre Nosotros

(503) 982-6262
1560 W Hayes St
Woodburn, OR 97071
[email protected]

Our way of life is reflected in hospitality and service to our community. We welcome our neighbors who are seeking the ways to God and who hunger for the bread of life. We offer welcome and support to one another as we seek and serve the God who became flesh for us. We believe that God continues to reveal God’s own self in our midst and in the faces of the stranger and of those in basic human need.

Our welcome is unconditional. 

As a “Believe Out Loud” congregation, we welcome and affirm persons of all sexual orientations and identities.

If you would like to know more about the Episcopal faith visit us at: http://www.episcopalchurch.org

Nuestra manera de vivir se refleja en la hospitalidad y en el servicio hacia nuestra comunidad. Damos la bienvenida a nuestros vecinos que buscan los caminos de Dios, los que tienen hambre por el pan de vida.  Ofrecemos una bienvenida y apoyo a cada persona mientras buscamos y servimos al Dios que se encarnó por nosotros. Creemos que Dios sigue revelándose en nuestro lugar y en las caras del extranjero y del pueblo necesitado.

Nuestra bienvenida es incondicional.

Como una congregación que proclama “Believe Out Loud”  – Creer En Voz Alta – acogemos y afirmamos a todas personas de todas orientaciones e identidades sexuales.

Si te gustaría conocer mas sobre la Fe Episcopal visítanos en: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/es

Worship with Us | Adora con Nosotros

Misa en español

5:00 p.m. Misa en español (Holy Eucharist in Spanish)

Misa de la Virgen de Guadalupe

December 12 at 8:00 p.m.

Our Priest | Nuestro Sacerdote




Greetings to all of you. I am Agustin Valadez Jaime.

I was born and raised in Tomatlan Jalisco, Mexico. I studied business administration.

I studied at the San Andres Anglican Seminary in Mexico City. I was ordained to the diaconate on June 19, 2003 and then as a priest on November 3, 2007 in the Chapel of St. Andrew at the seminary. I have served in many parishes and dioceses since then.

We celebrated my new call for ministry July 14, 2019 at St. Mary’s, which I am very happy to restart in this area of Woodburn. I see us all working together to seek and serve Christ in all people.



    1560 W. Hayes St.
    Woodburn, OR 97071
    United States